
Showing posts from February, 2022

What are the wonders of Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is a natural ingredient obtained from a modest houseplant, which acts wonders for the skin. It is used as a medicinal herb and nourishes the body and face from inside out. When used topically, it indeed proves to be the best ingredient that has the power to improve one's skin, hair, and face.  It’s no surprise that Aloe Vera alone has the power to solve various facial health issues, be it blemishes, sunburn, skin-aging, and a lot more. This short-stemmed plant stores water in its leaves and is best known for treating skin injuries. Curious to know more about what wonders can aloe vera do for your skin? The guide will walk you through the major benefits of this ingredient while outlining the best facewash for pimples you can opt for. Benefits of Aloe Vera If you have this medicinal plant at home, you can simply cut the fatter stems from the base. Use a sharp-edged knife, to slice the thorns on the leaves, and then slice open the leaf into two parts and scrape the gel out.

A Guide To The Best Paraben Free Shampoo

Our hairs go through so much torture in the form of dust, dirt, pollution, and styling tools. Hence, we need a shampoo that deeply cleans the hair and provides them all the necessary nutrients.   However, finding a perfect bottle that protects your tresses from chemicals while adding shine to them is a difficult task altogether. You should never end up buying the most aesthetically pleasing shampoo in the aisle. Rather, choose the one which are free from parabens & other harmful chemicals.  Paraben is a harmful chemical that is used to prevent shampoos from going bad, and its prolonged use is extremely harmful to hair health. Thus, you should pick the option that is made up of natural wholesome ingredients. Looking for the best paraben free shampoo to take your hair care game to the next level? Here’s the guide to the 5 best options that will leave your hair nourished and will also add a natural shine to them. 1. Shampoo With Green Tea & Tea Tree For Dandruff Control Key Ingre